By: Soonyoung

Last updated: 7/15/17




Pulse is an extremely good operator, period. With the ability to literally wall hack, he can be the pivoting point for you team. He can lead your team from the clutches of defeat to victory. That’s how good pulse can be if you use him right. He has 2 great guns, both with different uses. And he also has a nitro cell with 3 speed. Pulse can be deadly with good communication.




Pulse’s Shotgun is quite insane. The M1014 is extremely good due to the fact its semi auto and has good amount of bullets in its reserve. It shoots as fast as you pull the trigger, so it’s extremely good. It doesn’t have bad recoil and doesn’t reload too slowly. It’s a great gun for mid to short range engagements. Put Holographic as its sight or try reflex for a wide scope of vision. The UMP-45 is extremely good too. It has almost no recoil at all and paired with extended barrel, you can spawn peek with it. It pairs great with Holographic and extended barrel. Try Angled grip on it, it’s extremely good. The UMP 45 pairs well with Pulse, because it enables long range engagements against assault rifles. It also has solid damage (but I would not recommend suppressor) and almost no damage drop off. Both guns are good, so choose wisely which one you would want to use.




HOW TO USE (ADVANCED): Pulse is an extremely good operator in the right hands. Once you get the hang of pulse, try using his UMP-45, because it’s a solid gun that almost never fails. Try to roam above or below the objective. Above would be better so you can easily protect the room above objective. This will especially stop good fuze players and sledge players from getting the advantage. Even pro league players always defend the room above objective. If the attacking team holds the room above, they have the upper hand. Try taking another person with you. A doc would be nice, as long as he’s well hidden and doesn’t move around much. Try bringing a mute also, if he wants to sacrifice one of his mute jammers for your cause. That way, a drone is useless to use, and pulse gains the advantage. All attacker gadgets are made useless in that situation, mute can notify when he gets the “signal disruptor points”, that way pulse can scan and surprise them. As long as the attackers have no information on where pulse exactly is, he is extremely useful. Going below is much more risky as many of the floors can’t be shot through. Going below, however, enables you to flank extremely well. Many attackers hang around with their buddies. As I said in my Doc guide, Most attackers will use the 3/2 system. Where 2 people counter roamers, and the other 3 try to take on the objective. With pulse, you can surprise the roamer hunters by flanking them. The Cardiac sensor enables you to see them before they even know you’re there. That will take out 1-2 people.




COUNTERING FUZE: This segment is important. If your team doesn’t have a jager, even one of fuze’s cluster charges can turn a losing team into the victors. Fuze is not an operator to ignore. He can be deadly, especially when he knows exactly where a person is. In objective, your team should ALWAYS choose jager. Even if the other team doesn’t choose Fuze, a jager is extremely nice to have by your side. His gun is the hardest hitting on defense, and he’s a 3 speed with an extremely useful gadget. Now, here is where pulse comes in. Pulse can see a heartbeat (that’s his gadget obviously). Therefore, he can see a fuze/rappelling person, on a window, before they can even see you. In fact, sometimes, the fuze doesn’t know you’re even watching the window. You can always scan or pair up with CASTLE. Now, here is where things get complicated. We need to take apart certain scenarios and combinations. One of the best combination to use is the Pulse/Castle/Mute combo. This combo is as good as the Ino-Shika-Cho combo LMAO. First find a doorway that you know many attackers go through. Have the castle barricade it while the mute puts his jammer down. A jager could possibly be helpful, but is unnecessary. The mute stops any breach charges while the castle makes it much harder to get into the objective. The pulse then can put his nitro cell onto the barricade and easily check if anyone is on the other side of the barricade. Another person could just look under the barricade for feet, however, pulse can stow himself away in an extremely safe spot, but still be able to check with his cardiac sensor whether someone is there or not. The only REAL counter is ash (but as I said, with a jager, it is possibly to counter Ash). Now, one may ask why sledge is not a counter. If the pulse knows what he is doing, he can blow up the nitro cell before sledge hits the door. As long as he is watching and is one step ahead. Now obviously, in the heat of battle, there is no way the pulse can stay focused on one doorway. The Castle has 3 barricades. The strategy is this:


1. Have Castle barricade 2 doorways leading to main hallways (or anywhere that will most likely have attackers come through).

2. Have mute set up jammers in places that still reach the Castle barricade but is hard to destroy.

3. Put your nitro cell on one of the barricades (hide yourself near that barricade).

4. This way you’ll be able to hold one room and at the same time, watch a castle barricade.

5. Twitch can also help counter, however, a smart team will be able to get rid of the drone before it does.

6. Remember, this will only work depending on the scenarios: A thatcher and twitch is a definite counter; Ash will also serve as a great counter.






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