By: Vincent Chang

Last updated: 7/23/17


Introduced in Operation Velvet Shell, GEO Operator Ryad Ramirez Al-Hassad, aka Jackal, brings a unique gadget and loadout to the playing field. As a 2 speed 2 armor tiered operator with a powerful weapon loadout, Jackal is a powerful addition to any attacking squad.






Jackal’s loadout includes the C7E Assault Rifle, PDW9 Submachine Gun, and the ITA12L Shotgun






Firing Modes: Automatic, Semi-auto, burst

DMG: 46 ; 39 suppressed

Rof: 800


Mag cap: 30+1


When the C7E was initially introduced to the game, it was arguably one of the best attacking assault weapons on the attacking team. Almost non-existent recoil paired with high rate of fire and high bullet damage made the C7E a formidable weapon to fight against. Though the recoil has since been patched, the C7E is still a extremely viable choice when selecting your operator loadout. With a generous magazine size, high damage and fast fire rate, you can still down opponents extremely quickly. Although the DEVs say the C7E’s recoil had been increased in the last patch, the first shots on this weapon are still extremely accurate. Because of the significant bullet damage, you can still bring down opponents with 3 shots from moderate distances. When firing the C7E you will find that the first couple of shots on this weapon are quite accurate with minimal spread, which means that you can still bring down enemies if you are relatively accurate. However, the C7E’s recoil spread has increased enough that spraying this weapon is unrecommended. The weapon’s visual impact in game is unobtrusive despite this weapon being one of the longer one’s in the game.


As per usual with the assault rifles, it is recommended you play this weapon with the compensator or flash hider. The silencer is also viable because of high bullet damage but generally I don’t use it because the C7E’s firing sound is quite muted. The compensator and flash hider will help reduce horizontal recoil and overall visual recoil when firing the gun. The ACOG is my personal recommendation for this gun though the holo also is also an excellent choice. I personally find that the visual recoil on the ACOG is manageable in small bursts and thus is a great weapon for getting headshots and lining up accurate bursts.

Under barrel attachments include the vertical grip and laser sight. The vertical grip is always worth equipping because it reduces overall recoil. Equipping the laser sight is a matter of personal preference. In the recent meta the laser sight has seen an increase in use and in the case of this weapon, it makes quite a lot of sense. Because the hip fire accuracy of the C7E isn’t the best, it is a good idea to equip the laser sight to increase accuracy when hip firing. However, since I don’t generally hip fire I leave this attachment off.





PDW9 Specs


Firing modes: Automatic, Semi-auto, burst

Dmg:33 ; 28 suppressed

Rate of fire:800


Mag cap: 50+1


Jackal’s PDW9 has fast fire rate, low visual recoil and extremely predictable recoil patterns. With this weapon, I recommend using the ACOG because the recoil is so low and predictable. The PDW is great for headshots because of the accuracy but also can bring down opponents extremely quickly with its 800 rounds per minute. Spraying this weapon is not a problem because of the low recoil and the high mag cap makes this weapon good for suppressive fire. The visual impact is low when walking and running.

Using a compensator and flash hiders are both good choices for this weapon, and the availability of both the vertical grip and the angled grip make this a highly customizable gun. I don’t use the suppressor because of the low bullet damage and the relatively quiet firing sound. The laser sight is also available on this gun, and I use it because you can meme on people with it. The low recoil of this weapon has inspired a community meme where players kill other operators whilst hip firing using the laser sight.





ITA2L Specs

Pump action


Rof: 95


Mag cap: 7+1

Compared to the other 2 primaries available to Jackal I wouldn’t recommend using this weapon. It handles similarly to doc’s French shotty and pales in comparison to the AR and SMG.





Eyenox Model II: reveal’s enemy footstep’s and pings enemy operator positions. Thermal imaging determines how recently the enemy stepped in that location: warm colors like red and orange indicate they passed by not too long ago, while cooler colors like green and aqua blue mean you have found upon an older trail. Footsteps can be scanned regardless of color.


Gadgets: Breach chargex3 smokesx3



Jackal Recommended play style:

As a 2 speed 2 armor operator Jackal can play a plethora of playstyles including front line fragger to rotating support. With your 2 powerful primaries, you are easily one of the more powerful operators weapon wise, so make sure to use this to your advantage. You will dominate 1v1 firefights in most ranges if you use your angles and cover to your advantage. Your 2 armor will allow you to tank some damage to come out alive of encounters in equally matched firefights. Your 2 speed will allow you to rotate and support teammates should the need arise.

Jackal’s gadget introduces a unique role to his character: Roamer hunter. His footstep tracker allows you and your team to locate roamers and pinch their position. Because the ping also cycles 3 times every 10 seconds you can keep an eye on enemy movements. Jackal is extremely useful for clearing areas of the map and ensuring the safety of your allied operators. Your footstep tracker can also be used to kill operators through destructible surfaces like walls and floors.


Jackal’s smokes can be used in conjunction with Glaz’s thermal scope, and his breaches can be used to open multiple angles onto the enemy positions.


Something to note is that when Jackal’s Eyenox is equipped your field of vision will be covered in a purple haze. This may make it more difficult to see enemy operators, so I like to toggle it on and off periodically, so I can see footsteps but also maintain a clear field of vision. It is worth mentioning that defensive operator Caviera’s silent step can temporarily hide her footsteps from jackal’s scanner.  She can also use silent step to prevent herself from being pinged if she triggers silent step at the right moment.

I also think that jackal’s primary is worth mentioning. He is one of only 2 operators that can bring a shotgun as a secondary(the other being Mira) which opens up a whole new world of opportunity. Using your shotgun secondary you can easily open up several murder holes to surprise your enemies and open up tricky angles. However, it is also worth mentioning that it takes several seconds to switch between weapons so always make sure to strafe into cover when switching weapons.

In conclusion, Jackal is a powerful attacking operator that brings powerful weapons and a unique gadget to the attacking team. Excellent primary weapons mean that Jackal has extreme frag potential, while his 2 armor 2 speed make him versatile and able for many roles. His gadget provides invaluable information to your team and allows him to track enemy operators. His smokes synergize well with Glaz who is currently very popular in the recent meta, and breaches allow him to open destructible surfaces.

Finally, always, always remember, you are a F*cking creepy old man who does nothing but creepy things all day. Your creepy character model and gadget make you prime stalker material, so always be sure to inform concerned parents that you are definitely watching their kids. Always makes sure that everyone knows you are watching. Typing something like this into chat: “HUE HUE HUE HUE TURN AROUND ________(NAME) MY NAME IS UNCLE JACKAL I’M ALWAYS WATCHING YOU :D”  really helps with the creep Mexican stalker persona. As an added bonus proceed to chuckle creepily into team chat and make everyone call you daddy.






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