By Soonyoung

Last updated: 7/15/17




Doc is an insane operator with very good skills. He can fill in multiple roles on a team and can be valuable in clutches and hard times. With all the buffs he got in the past, he could be considered A tier.





Doc is not one to be taken lightly. He has a good arsenal of weapons. His MP5 is a very common pick. It has low recoil, and almost no kick. With burst fire on, this thing can wreck. It is somewhat of a peashooter and with bad aim, it can be a chore to use this gun. With Compensator or even Muzzle Brake, MP5 is a deadly gun. ACOG is always recommended but reflex on this gun isn’t too bad. Definitely use this if you’re a beginner. P90 is much more geared towards advanced players. You can never use this gun if you have potato aim. With extended barrel, P90 is a beast and can become spawn peeking worthy. It does have very high fire rate and the only thing that’s bad is its recoil. Try out the P90 once in a while after you get good at the game. ACOG is definitely the best on P90 with extended barrel. The last gun is the French shotty which sucks balls.





HOW TO USE (ADVANCED): As a doc player, you should NEVER use stim pistols on just yourself. Teammates need it and that’s the reason you’re playing as doc. A selfish doc will only lead to more problems later on. You need to conserve your shots and make sure you make the most use out of it. If you know for a fact a certain person on your team will wreck, give him the shots and not the potato aim kid. Your ammo is limited, so give your stim drugs to the best person on your team. Docs also have a great potential to roam. However, if you do roam, I advise you not to go way too far away from the objective. Docs can roam and do it well, but the 1 speed and 3 armor stats will definitely hinder you. I advise roaming somewhere near the objective and where you can easily come back to your team. A doc’s job in the end is to heal his teammates so don’t stray too far away. As a doc player, you should practice aim in general to make sure you stay alive. A good doc player will try to live on till the end of the round supporting his teammates while holding his own. If you die too fast, your team won’t have any advantages towards the attackers and may lose. Don’t ever give your stim shots to people you know will die fast or are completely useless. Revive them the normal way. Doc’s are a great addition to defenders and can completely clutch it out. Doc isn’t too hard to use, so his guide will be much shorter than IQ.






Doc players are efficient at roaming as they get better with doc. You should expect Docs to be roaming unless you know they are in objective. Docs, as I said, are quite good at roaming due to those stim pistols and can beef up their own health. Even with the 3 armor and one speed, Docs can still roam effectively. You should also guess that most Docs are alone, especially in casual. Docs are mostly solitude and will roam alone as the stim drugs can help them survive without back up. Another thing to note is that most docs are roaming in a room where they can get to their teammates when in need. That means, usually, docs roam upstairs or downstairs the objective. That will help you out. Try the 2 man/3 man jackal strategy. That’s when one Jackal pairs up with another operator that’s geared towards roaming/ killing people only. Jackal is good with someone like Capitao, Blitz, Buck, Etc. Those operators will help take care of roamers, especially near the objective. If you are the Jackal, try checking upstairs especially. That’s because the team that holds and dominates upstairs will completely control the objective room below. A doc is good at holding its own area, so one can assume a roaming doc is most likely holding a room near the objective. If a doc is in objective, it’s easier to pick him off. A fuze can get him out. Most docs will hold angles aggressively and won’t hesitate to stare at one small corner for a couple of minutes. If you know a doc is looking at this direction, you can create a diversion and have one person shoot the window or hall he’s looking at and you can flank him the other way. Beginner docs will typically not be scared, because they think their stim drugs will help them survive. Use that to your advantage and flank the doc. With that in mind, you can easily REKT him.





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