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Kahn Academy

Practice problems







Over 200 years ago, in the great French Revolution, there were 3 men about to be executed by a guillotine. They were a Priest, a Lawyer, and a  Physicist, all about to have their heads cut off.


The mob puts the Priest's head on the chopping block, and they ask him, "Do you have any last words, before we cut your priestly head off?"

The priest says "Yes, yes. God, god from above. He shall certainly set me free".

When all eyes on the blade, they raised the blade. The blade went down with a swish, and right before it hit the neck of the Priest, the blade stopped. The mob had never seen this before. They were shocked. They said "God has spoken! Let the Priest go! Okay now lets see the lawyer, the lawyer!"


The Lawyer had his head placed on the chopping block. "Do you have any last words before we cut your lawyerly head off?"

The Lawyer says "Yes, maybe the spirit of Justice and Mercy shall set me free". They raised the blade, the blade went down with a swish, and stopped right before it hit the neck of the lawyer.


This time, the crowd went absolutely crazy. They said "let there be a national holiday! Today god has spoken! Justice and Mercy has spoken! Not lets see about the physicist!"


They put the physicist's head on the chopping block, asking him "Do you have any last words, before we cut your head off?"

The physicist "yes, yes, I got some last words. You know, I don't know too much about god, and I know even less about the law. But I do know one thing. If you look up, you'll see that the rope is stuck on the pulley. If you remove the rope, the blade should come down real good."


Big mistake. Biiiig mistake.


Well, the rope went down. The blade went down. The physicist's head also went down.










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