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Here is my jungle guide!

I am a jungle main, hoping to get to like gold or something this season.


Jungle is incredibly impactful on the game if you know how to transition your lead to carry the game.



What junglers to play?


play whatever you want lol


also go look at tier lists and stuff like that in order to find someone that might be attractive to you



Summoners for junglers?


Flash and Smite




Runes for junglers?


Go to Champion.gg or OP.gg and go look them up.



Itemization for junglers?


Go and grab the app Championify and import the item sets every patch. Or you can just create your own item sets with a bunch of choices to create good itemization.


Or you can use other websites/apps/pros....

What really matters is adapting to whatever the game needs, such as what type of resistance you want to build, how much gravity there is to build armor pen, or what boots to buy.


Extremely basic things to keep in mind before going in game?


Know your champion type: Are you Tank, AD, AP, Bruiser, or a hybrid of both? This goes into itemization and your role in team fights.

Know your champion strengths: Are you good at farming? Are you good at level 3 ganks? Are you really good at level 6 ganks?Are you a all-rounder champion? Do you have a good splitpush? Do you have good teamfighting?

Know your powerspike: Are you strong early game? Mid/Late? or are you always strong?


Know a general strategy for pre level 6, level 6, and post level 6.

Should you play safe before level 6, or do you have strong ganks?

Most junglers will be very strong with their ultimate up, will you look for ganks with your ult?

For late game, what are you going to do? Are you going to tank for your team or try to make picks?



Jungle Paths?


Pathing is fairly dependent on what your champion excels at, as described in the previous segment. If you want to power farm to level six, you have paths for that. If you want to gank level 2, you also have paths for that.


So, in this section I'll be listing a large number of paths that can be utilized to elevate your game to the next level.



Basic pathing to level 3:


On the Blue side

go red -> opposite side scuttle -> blue -> gromp

Or go red -> raptors -> opposite side scuttle -> blue


On the red side

go blue -> gromp -> scuttle -> red

or go red -> raptors -> opposite side scuttle -> blue



This path will grant you level 3, which for most junglers, is a large powerspike which you can use to gank a nearby lane.



Advanced pathing to level 3:



 buff -> 2 small wolves/ 3 small raptors -> scuttle -> buff



Basic pathing for level 2 gank:



Go Red -> gank

Or go Red -> scuttle -> gank mid -> other scuttle



Basic pathing for level 6 dependent junglers:


If you are like a master yi or some other champion and you must live off of your level six, then here is a path:


On the Blue side:

go red -> opposite side scuttle -> blue -> gromp -> wolves -> raptors -> krugs


On the Red Side:

go blue -> gromp -> scuttle -> red -> krugs -> raptors -> wolves -> wait like 10 secs for your gromp to spawn again


These routes are really effective and they can give you like level 5 if you are able to execute them properly, and you can also get like 1.1-1.2k gold.



Pathing for strong af early junglers:


For blue side:

Do your red and then take their red buff/raptors and then shit on then when they go ahead and check their buff


For red side: Go your red into their blue buff into their gromp







Pathing is definitely one of the hardest things to optimize as a jungler. Make sure to do a pre-game analysis and mentally state which lanes you want to camp.

If 2 lanes are being smashed, then don't gank them. If the laners flame you, just /mute all. Gank the winning lane on your team if the other lanes are not doing very well.

You need to path towards the lanes that you want to gank. If you are going to gank bot sometime soon, notify your bot lane. If they are inteligent, then they will set up a freeze near the tower. Then, you can do a full clear starting from top side to bot side (you can skip the gromp/Krugs) and then gank bot lane then.


You have to be careful to not over farm later on in the game. Don't go for the Krugs/Gromp if your team is grouping for a teamfight.


Try to time your camps so you can clear an entire quadrant of your map at a time. (The only exception to this is if there is a guaranteed gank or kill somewhere else on the map).  Start at the gromp/krugs, look for a gank on the side lanes, move into wolves/raptors, look for gank on mid/side lanes, etc.



Ganking Tips?


Always come from BEHIND the enemy. output as much damage and CC as you can. Don't overextend and get killed by a turrent, however. If the enemy has cc, DO NOT EVER GO INTO TURRENT AGRO. Too risky, basically an int.


You can also do a lane gank top/bot lane, if the lane is pushed into the enemy tower, you can wait in a lane bush, and when the wave pushes back, you can jump at them unexpectedly.


Also, kinda situational, but if the enemy laner was just pushed into his turrent, he will probably try to push the wave back, and in doing this, he might go and ward, and you can surprise the enemy pretty hard if you are standing in the proper bush.


You have to time when you decide to enter the fight. If the other laner has a significant lead, he may be able to turn and kill both of you.

One person has to initiate the fight first. Most of the time this should be the laner. If a laner initiates a fight, the opponent usually goes all in, and you can come in and kill them.


However, this goes both ways. If your laner suddenly goes really aggressive, then the opponent, if he is smart, will probably back off.


The initiation depends on the type of jungler you are playing. If you are playing an assassin, then definitely wait for the laner to initiate the fight. If you are playing someone like rammus or zac (tanks), then you are supposed to go and attempt to CC the enemy.

Bruisers, such as Xin or Jax, are probably best used to initiate a gank.



Advanced jungling tips?


There is a lot  of decision making when you go jungling. Here is a GENERAL guide to what your mindset should be when you are in the jungle, ranked from most important to the least important.


1. Countergank:   Counterganks are easiest to do at level 3, if both junglers started at the same side. If one of your lanes looks like it is an easy gank, you can hang around the general area and get in a super easy countergank. If you are against an enemy who clear faster than you, look for a countergank as soon as you reach for level 3. Fast clearers are Elise, Nidalee, and Lee.

Furthermore, if you can keep good track of the other jungler, whether it is judging their buff spawns, or having a deep ward in their jungle, you can look to countergank a lane (especially if your laner is pushing into the enemy turrent pretty hard)


2. Minion Crash:  Most applicable to top/bot, but if both laners are low HP, the laners should push the wave into the turrent, and then it should be a very easy dive- go in and get out quickly. This is very effective, gives you a kill, and denies your opponent lots of CS. Even if you trade a kill or something its still good because the enemy laner loses out on a bunch of CS and experience.


There is a lot that comes into this. If you see that your top laner is slowpushing a wave towards the enemy turrent, and you KNOW WHERE THE ENEMY JUNGLER IS, then you can look to rotate to your laner and then dive the enemy.


3. Guaranteed Gank:  Is a opponent just pushed up super far without any reliable escape? Think to gank ASAP, but also consider if you will win in a 2v2/ 3v3 with the enemy jungler. You don't want to get caught with your pants down when ganking

Even if you don't get a kill, you should have burnt a few summoners, which will make the lane much easier to gank in the future.


If you kill a top laner and they have teleport, you can stick around. Wait for their teleport, and then prepare your cc/spells, and rape them. The double gank works for any lane. Gank them, kill them, go do a nearby camp, and then when they come back into lane, jump them again.


4. Objectives:  Just sucessfully ganked bot? Free dragon. Successful gank top lane? If you are ahead far enough get Rift Herald.


5. Towers:  Just succesfully ganked a lane? If there is a large minion wave, that screams for you to take a tower. First tower gold is a solid 200 for your entire team. Furthermore, it is pretty easy to take towers as well. Once you are around level 6 and it is past the 5 minute mark, you should always be able to heavily damage a tower/take the tower.


6. Hold Lane:  Has your laner backed and there are a few minions at your tower? Make sure to go and CS and soak up the CS/Experience, it gives more then your own camps. However, don't screw up the wave placement by overpushing the wave, just CS under the tower.

This is not AS important if you have the most CS on your team for some reason, but you will still get the exp, which is very beneficial for a early level 6.


7. Invade/Counterjungle:  Counterjungling is a must if you are way ahead of the other jungler, if you can just walk into their jungle and rape them, then that is what you should do (but of course look at your lanes, if they DON'T have priority then you will get collapsed and die.

If you are not ahead, and they start sticking around on the other side of the map that the enemy is on. If a lane gets ganked then you can look to counterjungle (remember to always get some vision into the enemy jungle)


8. Power Farm:  Farm your own jungle, make sure to take your own buffs as soon as they spawn. If you are constantly getting invaded, drop down some defensive control wards and stuff. Make sure to ward the entrances of your jungle.





Keeping track of the enemy jungler.


This is one of your largest jobs as a jungler, and it is extremely important.


If you forsee a gank coming for your bot lane spam ping, and then they will likely be more cautious and avoid the gank.

If you know where a jungler is, it is super easy to counterjungle them. It is very possible to amass a 3 level advantage over the enemy jungler if you are farming correctly and abusing them early on.

Or you can countergank


You can do this in a variety of ways. Make sure to have good scuttle crab control. Control ward the river brushes. Or, if you are way behind, then ward your jungle enterances so you know when the other jungler comes to invade your ass.




Also, if your laner is getting ganked, ALWAYS STOP what you are doing if YOU ARE IN RANGE TO HELP. Obviously champs like Warwick/Rammus/Yi can help out faster. Always be looking at the minimap as a jungler.


When you are walking to a camp, look at your minimap. Use F keys to look at lanes.

When you are clearing your camps, look at your minimap. Use the F keys to look at your lanes.




Random/situational things to keep in mind


Don't open your shop when you recall, you might get hit by a jungler/anyone


Ganking a lane twice in a short time period is great for the element of surprise and snowballs like crazy


Junglers will typically go for one more camp when they gank a lane, (If they have mediumish health) You can abuse this and go into their jungle where their next camp is and rape them. You have to be near them, obviously.

    Example: The enemy jungler just ganked top lane. You look, and he is at 1/3 health. You know since he is on the red side, he is probably going to do his Krugs, You can abuse this knowledge and kill him at the Krugs.


Adjust your pathing to gank the most aggressive lane. And then stick around and double gank. Going from top to bottom in ur jungle is really good when ganking the bot lane. Ganking morons such as Darius/Trynd/Riven shouldn't be too hard.


Make sure to do  a pregame analysis of the enemy and your own team. Think about which lane on the enemy team is the easiest to gank.

Also look at your own team. If you have like a Lux top lane, she'll probably be ganked, so you can be sure to stick near top lane for a countergank.


When seeing a low level jungler at around 3 minutes with only one buff, they probably still have one to do. If you stick around you can probably go kill them at their buff (situational).


If the enemy jungler finishes an objective, such as dragon, and their blue buff is up, they'll probably do that one next (situational, but you can probably kill them)


when playing against an aggressive laner such as a smite ignite shaco, then they'll be looking to gank you at a buff, so make sure to ward both of your buffs and take them as fast as possible. (go bot buff to top buff before doing wolves/etc)


If you have a bunch of minions in a side lane, the enemy greedy ADC will probably try and farm up the CS. If you are ahead far enough, you can wait and destroy the ADC.


If the enemy mid decides to roam to another lane and successfully gets a kill, they will probably try walking to lane again, You can camp around and kill them.


Fed ADC's will generally go and take the jungler's red buff. If you knwo that a red buff is spawning, you can go and rape the adc easy


Go and ward the spots that fiddlesticks can use to ult over walls onto your team.


If you see a splitpusher and a jungler mia for a decent amount of time, it is possible to guess that they are doing baron/hiding to engage you. Just keep up vision


If you gank and kill an enemy laner and they use tp to get back to lane, you should stop recalling and kill him again


If the enemy bot lane is super pushy like Caitlyn and stuff, then you can start at your top side and gank bot lane for an early kill


Prioritize doing camps in lanes you can gank, you can get in counterganks with this fashion


Generally never go for a level 1 invade, most low elo players have no idea what to do in an invade.




Other things to keep in mind (pathing etc)



Track the enemy jungler. If they started on the same side as you, expect to meet them in the river.

If possible, track where they go after you see them in the river.


Try and gank lanes after you've cleared your outer camps, the pathing will be better.

If they do not run directly towards their turrent when you gank them, be EXTREMELY cautious of an enemy junlger sitting around there.


If you recall you should always think about farming one of your outer camps first. When you do this you can look for FAR more opportunities to gank

Every camp you clear, look for the opportunity to gank. If you find an option, then make sure to do it, if not, just slowly full clear your jungle and recall


Keep good watch on the lanes, you want to know what happens, like if a summoner spell is used or not.


Never exit a lane from the sides if the minions can see you, if the enemy sees this, then they will know where you are going to head.


If you have mid priority*, then going for invades is much safer. If you can take a buff, take a buff.


Try to clear wolves and gromp at the same time, and also krugs and raptors

Try to farm 2 camps before ganking. Clear the quadrants first every time


If you are ever trying to steal a baron, go in when it is at 3-5k hp. Never do baron without a jungler around, WAY too risky


Your wolves spawn at 4:45 on blue side, 4:35 on red side. (if you did buff wolves buff)


Benchmark: Be level 6 when your next set of buffs spawn.


Whenever you gank a lane with success you should always look to take the turrent, cuz that is really useful for the team.



*Lane priority means that the opponent laner just go solo killed or the lane is pushed far into the enemy turrent.


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